
SanLucar and Hermisan: Innovating in Growing Cranberries in Valencia

It is getting more popular all over the world to grow cranberries thanks to the sustained growth of the demand for them.

In this context, the SanLucar Fruit Group, www.sanlucar.com, which is recognised for its commitment to quality and sustainability, has taken a bold step by implementing a cranberry production project in Valencia, a region on the east coast of Spain that traditionally was not thought to be suitable to grow this type of crop.

The expansion of cranberry cultivation and the expected growth of the demand has resulted in the development and the study of new varieties that favour growing it in larger areas of Spain.

This innovative project, developed by Hermisan, covers 8.8 net hectares of crops using a high-tech irrigation system that combines the latest technology with sustainable water management strategies. Having extensive experience in agricultural solutions, Hermisan has designed and installed an Automatic Drip Irrigation System that includes:

  • Pressurized pulse drip irrigation to water the plants, with a variable frequency drive, which optimises the use of energy.
  • Automatic mesh filter to protect the irrigation systems.
  • Automatic fertiliser, to accurately use nutrients with pH and EC control.
  • On-site solenoid valves that ensure the efficient control of the irrigation system.
  • High-tech drip irrigation, designed to minimise the amount of water wasted and maximise the efficiency of the system. It has flow sensors to control the flow and volume of water whenever the irrigation system is used. Weather sensors are also used to obtain parameters such as T/RH and solar radiation, along with sensors to parameterize the values of soil moisture.

The Expansion of the Cranberry Crops in New Regions

The fact that the SanLucar Group has chosen Valencia as a new production area conveys an emerging trend in agriculture: the adaptation of the traditional crops to new regions by using advanced technology and developing more resistant varieties. Not only does this diversify the production geography, it also increases the capacity to satisfy the growing global demand for cranberries.

SanLucar and Hermisan: An Alliance for innovation

Choosing Hermisan for this ambitious project highlights the fact that the SanLucar Group relies on its experience and ability to innovate. Hermisan has proved to be a strategic partner, by coming up with solutions that not only meet the existing needs but also favour the future of sustainable agriculture.

Expectations and the Future of the Project

The use of these hectares, is the beginning of a new era of growing cranberries in Spain. This pilot project not only opens up the way to more investment in the region of the east coast of Spain, it also positions the SanLucar Group as being the leader in exploring new production areas. If the project complies with the expectations, it could become a benchmark for other producers and regions.

The alliance between the SanLucar Group and Hermisan is making history in modern agriculture, by demonstrating that with technology, insight and commitment challenges can be transformed into opportunities.